Tuesday, March 9, 2010

mail to everybody who´s interested

Hey everybody!

This mail is for giving you the first key information about our circus-theater-project this summer, so you can decide if you're interested in taking part.

There is already an "idea paper" with an outline of the project's contents on our blog here: www.kleinkunstriesen.blogspot.com It is available in different languages, although you should be able to understand english, what we are assuring with this mail :)

Most important for you will be the dates: The complete project will take 9 months of time starting on 1st of July. The actual active part, where we put together and develop a show, train, learn, perform and have fun is set from 4th of August until 12th of September. It is essential for you to be able to stay for all the active part. During the first 3 weeks we will stay at the Traumschule in Riebau, the rest of the active part is taking place in different locations, where we'll perform our show and give workshops to local community centers for children. Before and after the project's active part there will be meetings, but not with all the group. We'll all stay in email contact to evaluate the project.

About us:
We are four students from Germany who are organising the Kleinkunstriesen-project since November last year. We are organising all the fundamental things, like getting money from different sources, finding the locations for the training part and for performing the show, etc.

Eventhough we already put down the theme of the show, the concrete outline and details will be build on your disciplines and ideas and put together during the active part. This will be a community action and we don't want to give you a finished project to study. It is about you!!! Disciplines that we think would fit are juggling, acrobatics, stilts, theater, puppeteering, music, clowing and balance. We also want to build coulisses, costumes and whatever we feel in need of.
Also important: We are not professionals, but if you are, and still want to take part, that'd be great!

If you want to participate in this extraordinary action plan this summer, it would be great to get some information from you:
What are your expectations? What are your disciplines? What do you want to do? What do you want to learn? Which part of the project are you most interested in? (Performing? Building coulisses? Music? You have a discipline that we didn't mention yet?) Please give us those information until the 15th of April, but as soon as possible!

We are trying to raise money from the EU (youth in action program - that's why everybody needs to be between 18 and 30, if you are younger there may be some possibilities, contact us!). That program would include all current costs for food, sleeping arrangements, training rooms, etc, but travel costs and health insurance (valid for Germany!) are your responsibility. We may be able to refund some of it afterwards.
This project is non-profit (in financial terms)! You can't earn money here!

It would be great hearing from you until the 15th of April! Be sure that you are free for all the active part!

For any further questions or ideas feel free to contact us! Of course you can forward this mail to any interested friends!

We're looking forward to you!

Eure Kleinkunstriesen
Eyleen, Johanna, Lena & Peter

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